

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.
Our journey

Since the 2001, Shahana Group has been singularly focused on delivering superior, consistent, resulted in using high-conviction portfolios under rigorous research and individual accountability. The group has experienced phenomenal growth on becoming market leader due to the quality of its merchandise and services and also on its focus on cost of leadership and the efficiency of its personage-capital. The adherences to quality and timeliness in our exports have earned us a competitive advantage, affecting us over stupendous turning towards industry leaders of the day.

Mission: Creating benchmark through Technological advancement; Ser􀂩ice excellence and Sustainabilit􀂮.. www.mtsweaters.com

In order to achieve the broad company vision, we are committed to…. To our Customers…..

Total Satisfaction by building t􀂢􀂧st􀂫or􀂥hy, long ter􀂙 par􀂥􀂛ership; maintaining deliver􀂮 discipline; product confor􀂙it􀂮; assuring safe workplace, due diligence; and offering realistic price with continuit􀂮 without compromising to qualit􀂮…..

To our Society….. Producing in the eco, g􀂢een facilit􀂮, aiming to discharge no waste to land field; reducing carbon foot􀂞rint, sourcing sustainable materials and employing par􀂥ially challenged people.

Strong Management

Creating benchmark through Technological advancement; Service excellence and Sustainability. We have experience & Strong Directors for o ensures international buyers satisfaction

Gacha, Plot # 1703-1704, Post: Gacha, Gazipur Sadar, Gazipur, Bangladesh

Phone: +8809617171720


Email: mizan@mtsweaters.com


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